Catherine Tait Art Classes

Newsletter 7 Displaying your artwork

artwok hung proffesionally d rings display artworks grouping artworks to hang hanging artworks Jan 16, 2023

How do I hang my artwork to look professional?

Nothing is more disheartening than seeing your artwork displayed appallingly. I have been involved with curating artworks and will share with you a few pointers to make your work look professional.

  • Try to keep your frames similar.
  • Use a D ring and wire. This is mandatory
     if exhibiting in galleries or major exhibitions
    String can break so I avoid using it, invest in picture framing wire

Arranging the artwork

  • I am fortunate to have a hanging system in my studio which has been a great investment 
  • Place the work on the floor and shuffle them around before hanging them
  • Group your work into colours and themes I like to keep interiors together, portraits, still life, or landscapes together but that need not be applicable
  • Have the dominant and larger paintings on
     the bottom, smaller quieter paintings above
  • Have the person or object looking inwards from the corner, this takes your eye into the group of paintings
  • If displaying large works on a wall you can either have a visual line through the center or a line above the works to keep them uniform
  • I do experiment with my format to
     create interesting displays

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