Catherine Tait Art Classes

Newsletter 4 Charcoal

blending charcoal charcoal pencil Jul 10, 2022

Using a charcoal pencil is a great way to do a quick study in preparation for an oil painting or an artwork on its own

  • Charcoal pencil is messy, I always place paper below the easel to catch the dropping particles
  • Always wash your hands before eating or wear protective gloves when applying the charcoal
  • Always have your paper on an angle, This always allows the dust to drop, otherwise, you are rubbing it back into your artwork and it can become very muddy.
  • I highly recommend if you are doing more larger significant work, place the paper on a board and then place it on an easel
  • I always spray my artwork with a spray fixative during and after completion this allows you to build up layers of charcoal
  • The paper I use is Arches Huile cold-pressed recommend for pastel and oil pastel 
  • For beginners, cartridge paper is suitable or pastel papers which come in colours 
  • Mixing a coloured pastel within the drawing also gives the artwork an extra dimension.
  • I use paper that I have applied washes of gesso on archive paper to create a stimulating surface
  • A leather chammy cloth is great to put in tones and texture
  • Break down a coloured pastel or charcoal stick into a small pestle and mortar to apply the chammy cloth
  • You can leave the white of the paper or use grey and white charcoal for highlights, however, I recommend you spray fixative before applying the whites and greys
  • When framing a pastel or charcoal drawing always make sure there is a space between the artwork and matt board as particles will drop onto the glass or matt board and become dirty.
  • Never place a pastel or charcoal framed drawing face down or bump the back of the framed artwork. Make sure if exhibiting your drawing make the organisers aware that it is a pastel or charcoal drawing and be careful in handling the artwork

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