Catherine Tait Art Classes

Newsletter 3 Brushes

newsletter 3 Jun 15, 2022

What oil painting brushes do I need?

  • This is such an individual choice, I always recommend Filbert to start your oil painting journey. They have the advantage of a flat and round edge


  • A small round is great for detail or signing your work
  • The fan brush is good for softening edges, but you can also use a large clean soft brush instead
  • I have never used a Rigger brush but if you like fine lines this is great to use
  • I personally love the Flat brush
  • When you work out which brush you tend to gravitate to buy as many different sizes of this type that you can afford
  • The secret with brushes is to look after them. I clean my used brushes every evening. When you are out Plein air painting wrap your brushes in glad wrap or cloth to take home to clean straight away


What watercolour brushes do I need?

  • You only need 3 brushes for watercolours, sizes 12 and 8 and a smaller brush
  • I only buy synthetic brushes but good quality Sable brushes are the best but expensive
  • A good watercolour brush should have a pointed tip and spring. A round belly to hold the pigmentated water

  • How do I clean my oil brushes?

    • I place my oil brushes in odourless turpentine when finished with the brush. But avoid using it again as the turpentine will interfere with the painting's ‘think on thin’ sequence
    • At the end of the day, I then use a nontoxic brush cleaner and wash the brush in hot running water with a cheap soap. Push the heel of the brush into your palm to make sure all of the paint is removed.
    • Place them upright into a container ready for use the next day
    • I have many brushes. The habit of looking after them is far cheaper than buying brushes constantly and I know they will never let me down
    • Refer to a “how to clean oil brushes” video on my blog

    Never do this with watercolour brushes?



    • Always place your watercolour brushes out of the water. Never leave the watercolour brush in the water this will damage your brush. If you accidentally leave the brush in the water and find it is bent, you can restore it by placing it in very hot water, go to my blog and watch the video ‘How to restore my watercolour brush’


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