Catherine Tait Art Classes

Newsletter 1 Framing

flexigun news letter 1 Jun 15, 2022

Do you need to frame an oil or acrylic painting?

  • If you have used a wooden stretcher that is 4cm in depth it is ok not to frame it I personally frame these if I am exhibiting the painting. It protects the artwork if I need to ship them
  • If the wooden stretcher is only 2 cm in depth or on a board always frame. I keep the size of the artworks uniform and have interchangeable frames, so I keep the frame colour neutral
  • A good investment is a flexigun so that you can easily change your painting easily



  • What colours to use?

    • It is a fashion thing. Gold was popular in the 90’s then it was white, and now it’s more neutrals. Check out the house style magazines, look at the paintings they display and the framing colours to keep up with the trends
    • Be aware of the art exhibition or competition in which you are exhibiting the artwork. Keep it simple if you are in a group gallery exhibition
    • When I have a panel or solo exhibition I tend to have the frames similar so they do not clash
    • The rule of thumb is framing should not be lighter or darker in tone than are in the painting

    Do I need to frame watercolour, pencil or pastel drawing?

    • Yes, there is no other way to display your artwork, unless you can pin the work to the wall.
    • Ask your framer to place a space between the matt board and your pastel artwork. This prevents any pastel from shedding onto the glass. I always spray fixative on any drawing or pastel painting
    • I try to keep my artworks to a uniform size. The paper size is good, so I have frames ready to go. Keep the matt board neutral, warm white is good
    •  Beware that galleries or art exhibitions will not hang work presented this way

    • You can frame your artwork with a matt board, core board backing with plastic covering.

      Cheap discount store frames are OK to use?

      Not really, I set up many art exhibitions. the difference between professional framing and department store frames is notable. The cheap frames do not have suitable hanging systems and do not look great when hung next to professional frames

      Remember keep it simple. Your art works should be the  feature not the frame

    • Inserts or adding another thin frame on the outer edge is a great way to add value to your artwork

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