Catherine Tait Art Classes

How to clean my oil brushes?

#cleaning brushes #cleaning oil brushes #cleaningbrushes #soap May 10, 2022
  • The secret with brushes is to look after them. I clean my used oil brushes every evening. When you are out Plein air painting wrap your brushes in glad wrap or cloth to take home to clean straight away
  • Place your oil brush in turpentine when you are finished using it then every evening get in the habit of cleaning your brushes to dry for the next day
  • Put the oil brushes in a brush cleaning medium then under hot water: as hot as you can tolerate 
  • with a cheap soap rub the oil brush into the soap under the hot water
  • rub the heal of the oil brush into your palm quite hard until no more paint comes off the oil brush
  • Place upright to dry for the next day

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