Catherine Tait Art Classes

Newsletter 8 What do I need to do for a studio open

advertising cv insurance lables ohs open studio payment share your space signage Dec 22, 2022

What do I need to do to open my studio to the public?

Opening your studio to the public is rewarding, so many people want to see where you create, it also is challenging, you need to create an interesting but also safe space. You can also negotiate directly with the client a price without gallery commissions.

  • Check your insurance, often your insurance will cover you and there are special insurances for artists. If you join a group e.g. Ceramic association, you can do a group insurance cover
  • Research events in your area. I often open my studio when the local garden show is on, or a music festival like a jazz or folk festival is in the area. This brings people to town that will often look for something else to do
  • Price your works and have clear labels, people are hesitant to ask a price. Place unframed works around and offer to the client a discount if they do not want the frame
  • Have your CV and business cards on display
  • On a hot day offer water
  • Signage of entry and non-entry areas to be clear, with clear parking areas marked. Place signs and flags at the entrance
  • I have developed my garden to incorporate the studio, for interest
  • Install good lighting, costly but worth it if you plan to open regularly
  • OHS is important, look for trip hazards, and put chemicals and wet paints away. Review your hanging system to make sure works are secure and sculptures have ‘do not climb’ signs. Ladders down and out of site
  • Contact your local paper and look for free advertising in the WHATS ON Supply an editorial and photos, often they are looking for local stories. They also will post on their Facebook and Instagram site
  • Invite another artist e.g., jewelry ceramic, etc. to share the sitting time and often draw in other demographics of clients. I have also invited a sculpture society to exhibit in the garden when I had my studio open
  • Place advertising in cafes, hairdressers, and local stores
  • Open on time, and do not close early, being reliable is important especially if you do commissions. Demonstrate your reliability
  • Wine, food, and music are also an enhancement to the studio open; a lot of planning and space is needed but a very enjoyable event
  • Have some form of the payment system, or your bank account details (I use the square terminal, easy to do and does not cost a lot) I also offer delivery for larger works as most people are traveling threw. Have wrapping and bags for smaller works

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