Catherine Tait Art Classes

How do I sign my art work?

date art work lables sign artwork May 06, 2022

Do I need to sign my artwork?

  • Always sign your artwork and be consistent in your signature. I always use a red or orange depending on the colours of the painting
  • I always sign to the bottom left or right
  • Do not put your signature on an angle and beware that your signature is not to large or distracting from your painting

Do I date the artwork?

  • I do not recommend dating your artworks. If you want to place a date for your own reference place the date on the back of your artwork, not on the front
  • Place on the back of your artwork your name and contact details. The buyer may want to connect I have stickers that I place on the centre bottom on the back of the framed artwork with my email and website address
  • Some artists will attach an envelope with a certificate of authenticity or have the story of the creation of the art work

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